Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Doing as I say, not as I do!

Why is it that we often find ourselves not following our own good advice (or is that just me?). I urge students to break a task into its component parts so that it becomes less daunting and more manageable. I tell them that procrastination often results from not having clear goals or an understanding of the task at hand, and especially from fear (of failure, of the unknown, even of success). I tell them to just get started because, in the immortal words of my (much) better half: once you have started you will have less to do. I even tell them to skip ahead if they get bogged down. And yet, here I am still stuck on Thing 3 - the blog - decidedly not listening to my own advice!

You might surmise that I am a Luddite, a recalcitrant resister of online communication, but you would be so, so wrong! I love blogs, I read them all the time, I want to have a personal blog (in fact, no, two!), and I have had a blog for students kicking about (unused) for a few years. The problem is (was) that I had no clear idea of the purpose or concept of this blog for 23 Things - what would I write about? What would be the point of it? To whom would I be addressing it? More importantly, what would I call it?  Could/should I kill two blogging birds with one stone and resurrect my student blog and combine it with this task? How would I stop my head exploding with all the decisions?

Which brings me to this post: I don't have all the answers to my questions, but I finally took a get- over-myself-pill and gave the procrastination fairy her marching orders - and here I am, blogging.

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